On behalf of Christ United Methodist Church and The Weekday Preschool, it is with great pleasure that we welcome everyone to the 2013-2014 preschool year. We look forward to seeing many returning families this week, and to meeting all the new families that will join us. You are all a very special part of our Weekday Preschool family, and we are so thankful you have chosen us! Please make plans to join us on August 23, at 9am for our annual parent coffee. This will be a time to hear from our director, Terre Harris, information about the preschool, and a chance for you to meet and greet our teachers and staff. On Friday, August 23, from 8:30-12:00, we will host "Getting to know YOU day." This will be a special day set aside for your preschooler to come and meet his/her teachers and to see the special place where we learn and play each day! What an exciting time for all!
Looking Ahead...
Please mark your calendar for these important upcoming dates:
Monday, August 26, 8:30 am- First Day of School
First Day of Early Bird Room
Monday, September 2- The Weekday Preschool will be CLOSED in observance of Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3- Stay & Play and all optional programs begin
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